Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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MIDAS Sound System v0.40 revision A
Copyright 1995 Petteri Kangaslampi and Jarno Paananen
MIDAS Sound System may only be used, distributed and modified under
the terms of the MIDAS Sound System license, LICENSE.TXT. By
continuing to use, modify or distribute MIDAS Sound System you
indicate that you have read the license and understand and accept it
fully. If you do not have the license or have problems understanding
it or fulfilling its requirements you must contact us.
MIDAS Sound System may freely be distributed as long as no money is
charged for it, and no attempt is made to restrict further copying,
distribution and using of MIDAS Sound System. It may not be used in
any commercial applications, including shareware, and may not be
included as part of a commercial publication or software package.
Separate commercial licensing is available.
MIDAS Sound System Getting Started Page 2
1. Getting Started
1.1. Foreword
This is the third public version of MIDAS Sound System, and, as the
version number suggests, not fully finished. Most importantly, there
is very little documentation, apart from this file, which you should
read through before proceeding. Numerous examples have been added from
the previous version and the code has been made much cleaner. Still
this release is, like the two previous ones, intended for experienced
programmers only. The best source for learning to use MIDAS Sound
System is the source code, so take a good look at the example
programs, experiment with them and modify them. Also the MIDAS Sound
System source code should be clean and readable and includes a lot of
information on how to use the various features of MIDAS Sound System
and how it works.
1.2. Requirements
MIDAS Sound System requires an Intel 80386 compatible processor, MS-
DOS 5.0 or above (untested below 5.0, might work). EMS memory is used
if found, and this decreases conventional memory requirements
dramatically, although at the expense of speed. To fully recompile
MIDAS Sound System you need Borland Turbo Assembler 4.0, Borland C 3.1
or Watcom C 10.0, and Borland Pascal 7 if you work in Pascal. Other C
compilers can be used fairly easily as well, at least other versions
of Borland and Watcom compilers. MIDAS Sound System v0.40 can be used
with any of those compilers alone, with a suitable linker, and
normally there should be no need to recompile the library.
1.3. Compiling the examples
1.3.1. Borland C
The Borland C examples are in the C_EXP\ subdirectory. To compile them
you need the Borland C command-line compiler, bcc, Borland make and
Borland large model runtime libraries. You also need to edit the make
script bc_exp.mak to reflect your system settings, mainly the MIDAS
Sound System directory in the beginning of the file. After this run
"make -fbc_exp.mak" to compile the examples.
1.3.2. Watcom C
The Watcom C examples are in the C_EXP\ subdirectory, and are the same
as the Borland C examples except for the make script. To compile them
you need the Watcom 16-bit C compile and link utility, wcl, Watcom
make and Watcom large model runtime libraries. You also need to edit
the make script wc_exp.mak to reflect your system settings, mainly the
MIDAS Sound System directory in the beginning of the file. After this
run "wmake -u -f bc_exp.mak" to compile the examples.
MIDAS Sound System Getting Started Page 3
Included in this version of MIDAS Sound System is also the full source
code for our The Party '94 intro competition entry, Live, in the
subdirectory LIVE\. It is not meant to be an example of good demo
coding, but rather an example on how to use MIDAS Sound System,
including music synchronization and screen synchronized timer. Live
can be compiled using Watcom C16 and Borland Turbo Assembler. Edit
"makefile" and "live.wlk" to correspond to your system, and compile
using "wmake -u".
1.3.3. Borland Pascal
The Borland Pascal examples are in the PAS_EXP\ subdirectory. To
compile them you need Borland Pascal 7 command line compiler, bpc,
Borland make and the standard BP7 units. You need to copy the files
from the correct subdirectory to the main MIDAS directory before
compiling. You also need to edit the make scripts rm_exp.mak and
pm_exp.mak to reflect your system settings, mainly the MIDAS Sound
System directory. After this run "make -frm_exp.mak" to compile the
real mode or "make -fpm_exp.mak" the protected mode examples.
1.3.4. Borland Turbo Assembler
The Assembler examples are in the ASM_EXP\ subdirectory. To compile
them you need Borland Turbo Assembler, probably version 4.0, Borland
make and Borland Turbo Link. You also need to edit the make script
makefile to reflect your system settings, mainly the MIDAS Sound
System directory. After this run "make" to compile the examples.
MIDAS Sound System Using MIDAS Sound System Page 4
2. Using MIDAS Sound System
2.1. MIDAS Sound System Libraries
Precompiled libraries are included in this release for Borland C,
Watcom C16, Borland Pascal 7 (real and protected mode) and Borland
Turbo Assembler. C and Assembler libraries are included in the MIDAS
Sound System main directory, and unit and object files for the Pascal
version are in different subdirectories.
We have now also included cut-down versions of the MIDAS libraries.
They are intended to be used in small applications such as demos, for
playing .MM modules only (see below). From the cut-down libraries all
module loading routines are removed as well as configuration load/save
routines and some other unnecessary routines to decrease the size of
MIDAS Sound System. Further space can be saved by recompiling the
libraries with no stereo support (define NOSTEREO) or by removing
unnecessary sound card support.
The libraries included are:
midasbc.lib Borland C/C++ full library
midaswc.lib Borland C/C++ cut-down library
midaswc.lib Watcom C/C++ 16 full library
mcutwc.lib Watcom C/C++ 16 cut-down library
midasasm.lib Turbo Assembler full library
mcutasm.lib Turbo Assembler cut-down library
To use the Borland Pascal version, copy the units and object files
from the correct subdirectory to the main MIDAS directory. The
directories are:
BPFULLRM\ Borland Pascal Real Mode full version
BPCUTRM\ Borland Pascal Real Mode cut-down version
BPFULLPM\ Borland Pascal Protected Mode full version
BPCUTPM\ Borland Pascal Protected Mode cut-down version
2.2. Compiling MIDAS Sound System
The full source code for MIDAS Sound System is included in the SRC\
subdirectory. You can use it to recompile any version of the
libraries. The source code subdirectory also includes make scripts
for compiling all the libraries, look for files with extension ".mak".
Note that you will need to modify the make scripts to get them work,
possibly quite extensively if you are not using exactly the same
compilers as we do. The make scripts also contain information on how
to compile the cut-down version of the libraries. In general,
recompiling MIDAS may be difficult simple and we suggest it only for
experienced programmers.
Note also that if you only have modified a part of the MIDAS Sound
System library, you can extract the other modules from the suitable
MIDAS Sound System Using MIDAS Sound System Page 5
library before recompiling. For example, if you have modified from the
assembler library mmem.asm and do not have a C compiler, you can
extract all object modules from midasasm.lib, copy them to the source
code directory, delete mmem.asm and run "make -fmasmlib.mak". A
similar procedure can be used with all the libraries. Likewise, you
can copy all object files from a suitable Borland Pascal directory if
you are working in Pascal.
2.3. .MM Modules
This version of MIDAS Sound System includes support for .MM modules.
The .MM format is basically a sequence of MIDAS Sound System internal
structures dumped one after another on the disk, and is therefore very
easy to handle. To play .MM modules you simply have to load the whole
module as one big chunk to memory or link it to the executable and
call midasPrepareMM() with a pointer to the module and the Module
Player used. After this the module can be handled as any module loaded
with midasLoadModule(). The idea behind this is to be able to remove
all module loading routines and file handling, resulting in smaller
executables. You can convert any Protracker, Scream Tracker 3 or
Multitracker module that MIDAS handles to a .MM module using the
enclosed MOD2MM converter. To fully benefit from using .MM modules you
should use the cut-down versions of the MIDAS libraries.
Note that midasPrepareMM() does not work with .MM files over 64kb in
protected mode, and you may have problems loading over 64kb files in
Borland Pascal real mode as well. The file handling in the Borland
Pascal libraries does not support reading or writing blocks over 64kb
as such memory blocks can not be allocated under Borland Pascal.
2.4. Assembly Language Considerations
For the first time MIDAS Sound System now supports programming in pure
assembly language. The examples in the ASM_EXP\ directory should be
enough to show you how to use the basic features of MIDAS Sound System
in assembler. You can also look at the C and Pascal examples, as all
the features are also available in assembler. There are a few special
points worth mentioning about using MIDAS Sound System with assembler,
All MIDAS Sound System include files assume that Turbo Assembler is in
IDEAL mode. Therefore you must keep the compiler in IDEAL mode at
least during the inclusion. See the example source code for an example
of a proper start of a program file.
MIDAS Sound System requires that the MIDAS Startup code is run at the
beginning of the program. It reallocates the program memory block so
that DOS memory allocation can be used and transfers control to a
label "main", which must be global. If your program requires control
at startup you must rewrite the MIDAS startup code, mstartup.asm.
mstartup.obj must be the first object file passed to the linker to
ensure it will be used as startup code.
MIDAS Sound System Using MIDAS Sound System Page 6
MIDAS Sound System for assembler is compiled in "MODEL LARGE,C" and
uses C calling convention for all parameter passing. Because of this
you should keep all of your own code that uses MIDAS in "MODEL
LARGE,C" as well, and use the Turbo Assembler extended calling syntax
to pass the parameters. Take a look at the examples to see how this is
done. In general, the format of a calling sequence is:
call Routine LANG, argument1, argument2, argument 3 ...
Pointers that are in registers should be passed as a segment offset
pair as in "ds si", and you must ensure all parameters are of correct
size (words or doublewords).
As mentioned above, MIDAS Sound System uses the DOS memory allocation
routines for its memory allocation. If this does not suit you, you can
modify the memAlloc() and memFree() routines in mmem.asm as you wish.
MIDAS Sound System Advanced Topics Page 7
3. Advanced Topics
3.1. Timer Screen Synchronization
3.1.1. Introduction
The MIDAS Sound System timer includes built-in support for screen
synchronization. This means that you can program the timer to call
your own routines every frame, more exactly immediately before the
Vertical Retrace, immediately after the Vertical Retrace has started
and later during the Vertical Retrace. This enables you to synchronize
your program to the screen update to get smooth animation, which
otherwise would not be possible with a music system playing in the
background. The routines can also be used for changing VGA hardware
registers, such as display start address and scrolling, in correct
moments, for triple buffering and for compensating for different
machine speeds.
3.1.2. Using Screen Synchronization
If you wish to use timer screen synchronization, use the procedure
outlined below:
1. BEFORE MIDAS Sound System is initialized, set up the display mode
you are intending to use and get the timer screen synchronization
value corresponding to that display mode using tmrGetScrSync(). If you
are using several display modes with different refresh rates (in
practise, different vertical resolutions, although in standard VGA
only 240 or 480 scan line modes have different refresh rates) you must
activate each of them in turn and get the synchronization values for
each of them.
2. Initialize MIDAS Sound System etc.
3. Set up the display mode
4. When you need timer screen synchronization, start it using the
function tmrSyncScr(), passing as arguments the timer screen
synchronization value from step 1 and pointers to the routines you
wish the timer to call. If you do not require support for some
routine, pass a NULL pointer (dword 0) instead.
5. When timer screen synchronization is no longer required, stop it
using tmrStopScrSync().
If you change the display mode to one with a different refresh rate,
you must first stop the screen synchronization, change the display
mode, and after that re-synchronize the timer. Please note that
synchronizing the timer to the screen update takes a while, and as the
timer is disabled for that time it may introduce breaks in the music.
Therefore we suggest you handle the timer screen synchronization
before you start playing music.
MIDAS Sound System Advanced Topics Page 8
3.1.3. Timer Screen Synchronized Routines
tmrSyncScr() takes as arguments pointers to three separate functions,
preVR(), immVR() and inVR(), which will be called at different points
during the screen timer interrupt. Following is a brief description of
each routine and what it is intended for.
preVR() is called immediately before Vertical Retrace, and must be as
short as possible to avoid timer synchronization problems. It is
intended mainly for changing the display start address register and
updating counters.
immVR() is called immediately after Vertical Retrace has started, and
must be as short as possible to avoid timer synchronization problems.
It is intended mainly for changing VGA hardware registers that have to
be modified during Vertical Retrace, such as pixel panning.
inVR() is called after immVR(), and may take a longer time if
necessary. However, note that even though spending a long time in
inVR() does not induce timer synchronization problems, it may cause
problems in music tempo if it takes a too long time. Furthermore, the
time spent in inVR() must not exceed one frame. inVR() is mainly
intended for changing the palette or updating small portions of
screen, such as drawing new characters to a start address scroller.
3.1.4. Waiting for Vertical Retrace
When synchronizing your program to the screen update, instead of
waiting for Vertical Retrace using the VGA hardware registers you must
use the screen synchronized timer for this. This is because the music
playing interrupt may occur just during the Vertical Retrace, causing
you to miss one frame completely. To use the timer for this, set up a
preVR() routine that increments a frame counter, and instead of
waiting for Vertical Retrace bit wait for the frame counter to change.
For example:
frameCount = frameCount + 1
tmrSyncScr(scrSync, &preVR, NULL, NULL)
oldCnt = frameCount
while oldCnt == frameCount;
Note that you must declare frameCount as "volatile" (in C) or
otherwise ensure that the compiler will not optimize the frame waiting
loop to an infinite one, waiting for a register variable to change.
3.1.5. Speed Compensation
The timer screen synchronization can also be used to compensate for
different speeds on different computers. The following pseudo code
should illustrate the point:
MIDAS Sound System Advanced Topics Page 9
main loop:
Wait for frameCount to change
skipFrames = oldFrameCount - frameCount
oldFrameCount = frameCount
for i = 1 to skipFrames do
3.2. Reading Music Playing Information
3.2.1. Introduction
In many applications information about the current status of the music
player is needed. This includes, for example, music synchronization in
demos and playing several modules after each other. This information
can be read from the Module Players, using the GetInformation()
function. GetInformation() takes as an argument a pointer to a
variable where it will store a pointer to the information structure.
The information structure is of type mpInformation, which can be found
in mplayer.h, mplayer.inc and mplayer.pas. mpInformation in turn
contains a pointer to the channel data structures, which are of type
The members of the mpInformation and mpChanInfo structures should be
self-explanatory, and are also documented in the header files.
3.2.2. Examples
Borland or Watcom C:
mpInformation *info;
Borland Pascal:
info : PmpInformation;
MP : PModulePlayer;
MP := midasMP;
info DD ?
les bx,[midasMP]
call [dword es:bx+ModulePlayer.GetInformation] LANG, \
seg info offset info
les bx,[info]
mov al,[es:bx+mpInformation.pos]
MIDAS Sound System Contact Information Page 10
4. Contact Information
If you have any questions, comments or bugs reports, or just want to
share some thoughts about programming in general, please contact us.
We hope that you understand that supporting a free product is not
always very motivating, especially under heavy pressure from outside
world like school, and so without any feedback from you the MIDAS
project will probably not have a long life. So, whether you like MIDAS
or not, please let us know. And if you find MIDAS useful and use it in
your programs, a souvenir postcard from your home city would be
However, please remember: If you use MIDAS Sound System in a program
you MUST mention it in the program and documentation.
e-mail: (preferred)
pekangas@sci.fi (Petteri Kangaslampi)
jpaana@kauhajoki.fi (Jarno Paananen)
+358-31-3646764 (Petteri Kangaslampi)
+358-31-3422147 (Jarno Paananen)
Please restrict your calls to 10.00 - 21.30, Finnish time.
normal mail:
Petteri Kangaslampi
Simeoninkuja 4
FIN-36240 Kangasala 4
Jarno Paananen
Puskalantie 6
FIN-37120 Nokia
If you have a question about a particular subject, here is a list of
which of us did what. Naturally you can contact either one of us - we
will forward the messages as necessary.
Petteri Kangaslampi:
* General questions about MIDAS
* MIDAS architecture, including error handling and memory
* Pascal version
* * Pro Audio Spectrum, Windows Sound System and Sound Blaster
Sound Devices
* Mixing routines (DSM).
Jarno Paananen:
* Gravis UltraSound Sound Device
* All three Module Players
MIDAS Sound System Distribution Sites Page 11
5. Distribution Sites
The latest MIDAS Sound System and MIDAS Module Player should always be
available on these fine BBSes:
WarmBoot BBS +55-194-265112
Sysop: Carlos Henrique Cantu (WarmBooter)
Moir Brandts Honk #1: +31-(0)70-3461215 USR/DS 14.4k
#2: +31-(0)70-3457929 ZyXEL 19.2k
#3: +31-(0)70-3452981 LineLink 14.4k
Sysop: Hugo Voerman
The Pantheon 703-378-3553 (changing soon?)
Sysops: Farmicus [CiA], Lord Soth [iCE], and Shaggy [iCE
Senior Staff]
ULTiMAT BBS +32-2-3755651
Sysops: Cobra, Access
Sourcery BBS +46-8-7674313
Sysop: Martin Alexanderson
Fidonet: 2:201/406, Freq.
If you are supposed to be a MIDAS distribution site, but are not on
this list, please contact us!
MIDAS and MIDP can also be found in Internet. Whenever a new version
is released, we will try to upload it to at least ftp.cdrom.com,
/pub/msdos/demos/incoming/music and x2ftp.oulu.fi.
MIDAS Sound System 'Thank You's and Hellos Page 12
6. 'Thank You's and Hellos
Otto Chrons: Thanks for the sound cards and programming information
and optimization and debugging tips. Also special thanks for making
DSMI so that we could know beforehand what mistakes to avoid.
Teemu Kalvas: Thanks for testing all the zillions of buggy versions of
MIDAS. Without you MIDAS would not be nearly as stable as it is now.
Also thanks for your ideas and thoughtful feedback and numerous
optimization and general design ideas.
Ben Cooley: Thanks for porting MIDAS Sound System to Windows and sorry
we have not kept in touch with you. Good luck with porting this
Stratos, Legend, Yolk etc.: Thanks for composing the way you do.
Everybody who has offered us feedback regarding MIDAS Sound System:
Thank you, and please keep the bug reports coming.
MIDAS Sound System Distribution Site sysops: Thanks for your support,
and please excuse us for forgetting some of you.
Everybody at class 3K at Tampereen lyseon lukio: Thanks for putting up
with us and being such nice people. IB has been painful enough this
way, not to think what it might been with some other classmates.
Plus some traditional hi-hos to:
Tomi Henttonen
Olli Hinkka
Kari-Pekka Koljonen
jmagic (forget Phantom's GUS player!)
All Virtual Visions members
All Parallax members
@ (stupid group name BTW)
Virtual Dreams
Terramarque Software
Bart, Dean, Delorean, Destop, Dizzy, Dr. Jekyll, Dr. Skull,
Dweezil, Eksec, Fraction, Groo, Hannibal, Heatbeat, Jugi, Vesa
Karvonen, Peter Kunath, Marley, Murk, Pauli Porkka, Henryk
Richter, Shayera, Stalker, Tsunami, WDO
And everybody we forgot.